Hey HTF fans, Warren here. Today I’d like to talk to you about something near and dear to my heart. Tattoos! Now, I don’t have any tattoo’s…that I know of…but I do think they’re cool. Especially Happy Tree Friends tattoos because it just proves what diehard fans people are. Or it proves how crazy they are, I always forget which one.
Once again, I searched the Internet for images, and once again I was not disappointed. We live in an amazing time!
If I ever got a tattoo, it would probably be of Toothy and/or Handy because I do their voices. I would hope that my Toothy would look this good because this looks like Kenn drew it. Can you name the episode it’s from? My Handy tattoo would be of him giving his signature frustrated growl. If I could figure out a way for the tattoo to make that noise I’d be set.
Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Holy Crap! Is that a tattoo on the bottom of their foot?” I’m thinking the same thing only I’m swearing more. In my opinion, that has to be one of the most painful places to get a tattoo…other than the private parts. It seems really stupid. Although, I know why they did it, and it’s brilliant. This way they can be walking barefoot with somebody outside, stop and say, “I think I stepped on something.” When they lift up their foot, they reveal the squashed Cuddles so it looks like they stepped on him. Awesome joke; painful tattoo.
I like this one because it’s a different sort of take of the anchor on the forearm cliché. They should require sailors to get this tattoo.
This is the most epic tattoo of them all. I LOVE IT! This shows a commitment to the show that I don’t know if anybody here at Mondo has. A shoulder to shoulder back tattoo is just crazy. We took this picture at Comic Con a few years ago, but it’s been posted on the Internet a bunch of times since then. This guy came up to the Happy Tree Friends booth and showed Kenn. He was floored! I think by now the guy has had it colored in, and it would be great to see an updated photo.
I also recently stumbled upon this site where people took the picture of the back tattoo above and made it a meme. Did I mention I love meme’s? (see previous blog)
I’ve added a few, and you should too. Feel free to share them with me in the comments below.