The new Happy Tree Friends episode is almost here! Seems like it’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Kenn got side tracked with some other Happy Tree Friends related projects, as well as some undeserved vacation time. If you ask me, that guy should stay chained to his desk at all times making HTF…but that’s why I’m not the boss. Anyway, he did take some time out of his lazy day to give me some still shots from the new episode. As always, let’s sit down and try to figure out what’s going on in this episode. Yes, I wrote it, but I tend to forget stuff real quick.
Hey, it’s the world’s greatest super hero, Splendid! Looks to me like he’s reading a book and it’s making him cry. I wonder what book it is. Maybe it’s an episode where we just watch Splendid read for 5 minutes. Let’s hope so!
Dang! I guess we don’t watch him read, maybe next time. There seems to be a lot of characters in this shot. Lumpy looks like a news reporter and something is going on behind him. The others seem a little scared so maybe it’s something serious. I wonder if Lumpy should be paying attention. Good thing Flaky is hiding behind that chain link fence. Nothing can hurt her there.
Whoa, looks like Giggles is falling with a shovel and a piece of wood. I’ve got no idea what could be going on here. Maybe it has something to do with Flippy. (I know there is no reason to believe Flippy is in this episode, but most fans get excited when Flippy is mentioned, so I thought I’d do some name dropping. )
So there you go your first glimpse at the new episode. What do you think? Any ideas about what could be going on? Personally, I have no idea…seriously, we wrote this so long I have no idea.