Mole's Sneak Peek: Something Fishy episode - UPDATE!

We've gone through great peril to bring you these images from the current episode we're working on, "Something Fishy." I think we might have lost one animator and Creative Director, Dean MacDonald sustained some bodily injuries. He may never be able to play Rock Band again... at least on "Expert" mode.

Anyway, enjoy these screens... paid for in blood!

And before you ask, it will be released when it's done. So, just stay tuned...

Update - Here's a little clip of David Winn (Lumpy) from our record session for the "Something Fishy" episode. Enjoy!

Fun fact: We had Dave read a manual for an electric screw driver to get the dry, dull monotone voice for Lumpy's performance since he's supposed to be giving a really boring lecture in this scene.